Request a Tour

Request a tour stop for your parish or diocese today.

Email Program Manager, Patrick Sabat, to request a Pilgrim Virgin Statue visit to your community.

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Frequently Asked Questions about hosting Our Lady’s Pilgrim Virgin Statue

We will need the pastor’s invitation or approval of the program in the parish.

If a diocesan tour is planned and the diocese is involved, a signed letter from the Bishop or the Office of Evangelization or similar office within the diocese approving the visit.

While it may be possible for a one day event to be added to our list, we will try to incorporate it to surrounding parishes already scheduled. Usually we go to the region/area/diocese for a period of at least 2-3 weeks. If nothing is scheduled yet, we will put you in our waitlist and will send you an email once we have something going on in your area.

Obtain the bishop’s or pastor’s invitation/approval of the program. Prepare schedule of visits to parishes, shrines, schools, prisons, Monasteries, and special events. A list of “Guidelines” will be provided to the sponsors to help arrange visits in various settings. Be the local coordinator/liaison between the parish and the PVS Program Manager. Guide the Statue Custodian/Representative in the parish as needed.

You will need approximately six months to prepare for a successful tour. This may be a one time experience and should be carefully planned. The calendar is filled in the sequence we receive written invitations from sponsors, Bishops and priests.

Can you please give us an idea what the average amount is that churches donate to the Blue Army on the visit day? Any guidance would really be appreciated!

We rely only on the donations of the people visiting with Our Lady or if the parish would like to write us a check which will depend on the size of the parish. There is no average amount per parish that we receive since we are travelling from all over the place and each parish is unique. I wish there really Is a number I can throw out there. Just yesterday we receive a check from a small parish for $1,500 and last week from a wealthy neighborhood and big parish for $500. This is just to give you another perspective. So I will leave that out and ask people to donate from the generosity of their hearts and believing in the mission of Our Lady. If the parish does not have the means to support financially, we will still come and help bring the message of the Lady of the Rosary.

A collection would be greatly appreciated to cover our costs of traveling the statue. Otherwise, please allow us to set out a donation box near the statue and petitions, and on our table of materials. The Statue Tour program has relied on donations for 75 years. The funds can be given to the representative or the custodian.

Congratulations! In anticipation of Her visit, please look for the sample promo materials for the event. This has been emailed to you as part of the confirmation of the visit. Feel free to edit before you publicize as you see fit. Also, some other materials and a checklist have been sent to you which you may find helpful in preparing for hosting Our Lady’s Pilgrim Virgin Statue.

The schedule will soon be listed on our website, Please review the date for your parish to make sure we are on the same page.

If you have not submitted your time of arrival/departure and your program of the day, kindly send it to [email protected] to add it to our calendar and advertise to the public. We usually arrive half hour to an hour before the advertised time of arrival.

The day of the program varies in each venue. A typical day involves the following but not necessarily in order. Procession, Crowning, Rosary, Talk, Holy Mass, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Prayer of Consecration.

We have professional “Custodians” or “Guardians” of the Statue. They are representatives of the World Apostolate of Fatima and Speaker, they are well-versed in the message of Fatima and the history of the Pilgrim Statue. More information can be found here on this page.

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