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Marian Shrine – Milwaukee, WI

Address: 141 N. 68th St. Milwaukee, WI 53213

3PM – 4:35 PM   Rosary and Prayer Petitions

Written prayer intentions accepted in a prayer intention box at the altar rail of the Shrine. Divine Mercy Chaplet, Holy Rosary (Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful Mysteries), Fatima prayers, Litany of The Blessed Virgin. Led by Shrine custodian. Prayer intentions may be submitted to the prayer intention box again after Mass until the start of the special prayers for these intentions, which should be approximately 6:45pm.

4:35 – 4:40 PM Welcome Remarks

4:40 – 5PM  Statue Process to the Altar – Statue Custodian Talk

5PM – 5:50 PM Holy Mass


In can of rain, the event will be moved to St. Augustine at address: 6768 West Rogers St. West Allis, WI 53219